

作者:Himani H. Gerber(Ma Anand Himani, Kosha)奧修新靈氣與創造力研究所的成立者

來源:Oliver Klatt:Reiki Systems of the World: One Heart – Many Beats.Natl Book Network. p.125

翻譯:Raymond Wu


現在,讓你的手慢慢靠近你的胸部,並在你這麼做時感知各種能量,同時觀察你在這個過程中可能碰觸到的不同感受。這可能是一層痛苦 – 允許它 – 或是一波悲傷 – 感覺它 – 或是一種擴展的感覺 – 觀察它。通過這種方式,你慢慢靠近,直到你的手實際接觸到你的身體。



Feeling the Heart Space

By Himani H. Gerber

Hold your hands, with the palms in the direction of your body, in front of your chest at a bit of a distance. At a certain distance from your physical body, you can already feel an energetic connection here with your heart chakra, especially the outer layers.

Now let your hands slowly come closer to your chest and perceive the various energies as you do so. Also observe the different feeling that you may touch in the process. This may be a layer of pain-allow it-or a wave of sadness-feel it-or a feeling of expansiveness-observe it. In this way, you slowly come closer and closer until your hands actually touch your body.

With the Reiki touch, you will immediately perceive an energetic connection. Stay with it for a while until your energy hands are ready to stretch out. Allow them to melt into your physical body. Light hands can also reach inside. Your energy hands can melt into your chest toward the back. Without any effort, let it happen. Become conscious of the space within and its quality.

We always associate love with the heart, but we could also call it peace or trust, or? What is your word for this inner space?