Hold your hands, with the palms in the direction of your body, in front of your chest at a bit of a distance. At a certain distance from your physical body, you can already feel an energetic connection here with your heart chakra, especially the outer layers.
Now let your hands slowly come closer to your chest and perceive the various energies as you do so. Also observe the different feeling that you may touch in the process. This may be a layer of pain-allow it-or a wave of sadness-feel it-or a feeling of expansiveness-observe it. In this way, you slowly come closer and closer until your hands actually touch your body.
With the Reiki touch, you will immediately perceive an energetic connection. Stay with it for a while until your energy hands are ready to stretch out. Allow them to melt into your physical body. Light hands can also reach inside. Your energy hands can melt into your chest toward the back. Without any effort, let it happen. Become conscious of the space within and its quality.
We always associate love with the heart, but we could also call it peace or trust, or? What is your word for this inner space?
Himani從1975年起開始內在探索,1979-1980年左右年成為門徒,1982、1983年接受Mary A. Mcfadyen的一、二級點化,開始用靈氣工作而將其擴展為形而上學的能量工作,她1989年接受培訓成為靈氣師父,之後在印度的奧修社區生活和工作了很多年,從1989年到1998年的九年期間在神秘學校給靈氣,在非常早期的團體裡,她收到了奧修的消息:「從現在起你稱之為奧修新靈氣」。接著她成立奧修新靈氣與創造力研究所。1992年她開始畫出能量圖。